Monday, March 17, 2014

on fire

Hello star shine, the earth says hello! So this is is, my blog. Mainly for random thoughts, modeling and makeup. Woot! So here it goes. I am trying to find myself, find out who I am, what my path is in this life and how to push forward. I've been trying so hard to find ways to be happy, but always fall short. I would really love to get paid to model and do makeup, but I'm still trying to figure out where to start! Ugh. No more corporate jobs, they make me severely depressed...... I just cannot work somewhere in not completely happy with anymore. Yea maybe I'm crazy, but I have to believe everything will work out. Sooo much to think about on st. Patricks day..... No green beers for me! Anywho. Here is the start to my blog, and hopefully to my career as well!

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